Tuesday 24 November 2009

Whether "smoke screen" will fall down?

The international experts advise to Ukraine again to raise excises on cigarettes …
Level of distribution of a tobacco smoking in our country one of the highest in the world: smoke two thirds of men (67 %) and every fifth woman (20 %). Such figures in the report under the name «Economy of the taxation of tobacco products in Ukraine» were sounded recently by World bank, having opened a detailed picture of development of this market for years of independence of our country. In total within Ukraine experts of World bank have counted the whole 16,5 million smokers which monthly spend for cigarettes of 2-9 % of the income. The figure of consumption of cigarettes testifies to scales of tobacco disaster for 2007: Ukrainians have bought 123 billion cigarettes, having spent thus 12,9 billion grivnas (2 % of gross national product of the country are equal). We have overtaken on this indicator almost all countries of Eastern Europe. Sustain "a smoke" competition to the Ukrainian smokers Russians could only.
Smoking should declare immediately war, the head of National board concerning public health services, the adviser of President Nikolay Polischuk convinces. Otherwise in some years we will receive the nation of drunkards and smokers. To speak so force last data recently received as a result of carrying out of inspection of schoolboys of Harkovshchiny. It was found out that every fifth pupil smokes. Alcoholic drinks within a month are used by 45,8 % of the interrogated girls and 52,2 % of guys. «That is 50 % of schoolboys throughout a month go to school the drunk. Reflect, daily drunk 5 % of guys and 2 % of girls!» — tells Polischuk. It would Seem, at what here alcohol to smoking? However Polischuk's alcohol names a direct consequence of an early tobacco smoking. «Those who smokes, have propensity to the alcohol use six times big, than those who does not smoke».
Experts of World bank also do an accent on aspect of health of the nation at the decision of a question of fast distribution of smoking. Having analysed a situation, they have come to a conclusion that tobacco invasion has begun because of too low excises on these goods. According to the director of Department of strategic researches for the control over tobacco of the American anticarcinogenic community Khans of Zrubovoj-Ross, during the period with 2000 for 2006 of a cigarette were too cheap. The prices for them decreased faster, than the prices, for example, on bread. For the specified period real cost of the Ukrainian cigarettes has decreased on 26,2 % thus that the rate of inflation made no more than percent. All it has in aggregate led to active development of the market of tobacco products.
Officials in turn report that supposedly since May, first, 2009 there was a doubling of excises on tobacco products. Now the minimum excise tax put in cost of one pack of cigarettes, has grown on 1 гривню 20 copecks (in two and a half time). Cigarettes with the filter have risen in price for 30 %, and without the filter — on 50 %. Hence, rupture between expensive and cheap cigarettes is reduced, as it is accepted in the European countries.
Authors of the report approve such steps, but suggest the Ukrainian authorities not to stop on reached and to increase the rate of the taxation of tobacco products to 70 % of a retail price. It will allow to reduce quantity of smokers on 1-2 million and to receive budgetary receipts in limits from 5,8 to 7 billion grivnas.
Such ideas are supported by the People's Deputy, the assistant to the head of committee of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine concerning the budget Oleg Ljashko (БЮТ). As he said, till September, 2009 the committee will analyse a situation with contraband increase (about what manufacturers warn) and in a case неподтверждения this fact will initiate again a raising of excises on tobacco products. «Today we the unique country in the world, having very interesting base of the taxation of tobacco products: it includes адвалорную the rate which considers the excise, but does not consider the VAT … Owing to withdrawal from base of the taxation of the VAT the budget will receive less this year about 800 million grivnas», — he speaks.
It is supported also by the adviser of the first vice-prime minister Vladimir Rjaboshlyk who specifies that the all-European norm of excises in cost of cigarettes makes 57 %. In Ukraine it has increased to 42 %, therefore it is necessary to lift only a little. By sight Rjaboshlyka, because of cheapness of cigarettes has occurred for the last few years doubling of the market of their manufacture. Ukraine has actually turned to «a smoke tiger» (analogy to the metallurgical market of China which also have christened "tiger"). Present increase of rates not so is terrible, as it is drawn by tobacco magnates, the adviser adds. By its calculations, in 2009 the market of manufacture of cigarettes will decrease on 5 %. «On each 10 % of growth of the price approximately on 2 % consumption of tobacco products falls», — sums up Rjaboshlyk.
«Considering that for last seven years the tobacco companies have increased the manufacture twice even at the worst scenario they will simply return to that level of production which was some years ago», — the head of department of the control over tobacco of the Ukrainian institute of strategic researches of Ministry of Health of Ukraine Konstantin Krasovsky is assured.
For smokers recent tax innovations mean the following: «Винстон» "Parliament" — to 10,5 гривни (in Russia — 12,4 гривни) has risen in price to 5,9 гривни (in Russia the similar mark costs 6,1 гривни), "Malboro" — to 6,5 гривни (in Russia accordingly — 9 grivnas). This data gives a definite answer to those who frightens Ukrainians of flow of contraband from Russia and Moldova, Krasovsky speaks. The price difference between already mentioned marks of cigarettes of the European and Ukrainian manufacture has considerably decreased. Nobody will risk therefore on border. An another matter, contraband from the country. «Now we have the data that contraband goes from Ukraine in even great volumes, than to an adoption of law in September, 2008 (the first stage of increase of excises on tobacco. — a bus). It pushes on thought that the tobacco companies try to earn on it», — Ljashko is assured.
It agree with it and Krasovsky who has told to "Day" as tobacco контрафакт gets abroad. «Last year in Ukraine have legally sold 125 billion cigarettes. Manufacture was 130 billion. Export — 10 billion, import — 4 billion. And consumption, by estimations of the tobacco companies, in the country makes 80 billion cigarettes. We receive a difference about 40 billion which makes contraband in EU», — Krasovsky tells. The expert says that illicit parties sometimes reach the huge sizes: to 200 thousand packs. Such considerable quantity cannot be got in a supermarket, but only at a large firm having the licence for wholesale of tobacco products. The licence for the given kind of activity costs 500 thousand grivnas a year. That is is unprofitable to register fictitious firm for the sake of carrying out of one illicit action. Expenses on the licence too big.

One more way of struggle against smoking

Smoking in coffee-shops in Rosendale is still authorised, therefore in local institutions atmosphere absolutely other. Unlike coffee-shops Bergen-op-Zoma, these cafes look not as points of sale of drugs, but is faster as meeting place and rest. In the noisy filled with smoke premise it is difficult to notice the person who hasty makes the way to "menu" — a show-window under which samples of different grades of marihuana and hashish lie. Affairs here go slowly and even is a little lazy, visitors are weakened, and sellers are carefree. After September, 16th they did not think of a life yet, answer reluctantly: «the owner is not known … Perhaps will open here easier bar? Something yes will be …»
The young man of years of twenty five sits at a bar rack. It looks as the average visitor of the most ordinary cafe, but only besides green tea it has ordered to itself(himself) also a jamb with marihuana. I ask:
— How are you doing, the guy?
— Normally, — answers. — here I sit I smoke …
Half an hour back it still was in Belgium, ten minutes ago has descended from a train and here now strikes a match. It makes similar travel far not for the first time. In any sense it is already such tradition — to come on days off to frontier cities of the Netherlands to drink to tea and to smoke a jamb.
— Descended in university in the morning, after employment the train has taken and has arrived here. Today I have decided to visit Rosendal, simply for a change, but usually I go to Maastricht.
Кевин heard about the new initiative of city authorities Rosendala, but they not too excite him.
— What will you do after September, 16th?
He unperturbably shrugs shoulders:
— I will go to Maastricht.
Two already obviously smoked Belgians approach to a bar rack and try to order martini. «We do not sell alcohol», — the seller answers. Girls look surprised and upset — as if alcohol it do not sell for the first time. Nevertheless trips to the Netherlands for the weekend for them habitual business. They know, what quantity of drugs can"be taken without problems through border, and are ready to give a good advice to everyone who requires them. But they consider the local law silly and unreasonable.
— To tell the truth, I not so understand, what for they have passed this law. It is clear that after September, 16th it will be better to nobody. Marihuana it will be equal as much, it becomes simple all it illegal. They will achieve absolutely other results.
Narcotourism growth in other cities becomes one of such results, naturally. The main blow on itself will accept Maastricht, located all in three kilometres from border. In 1992 the European union here has been founded, but Belgians here attracts has more likely begun to smell marihuana. However, local authorities actively search for the decision of a problem of narcotourism: for example, Gert Leers's mayor has suggested to move all coffee-shops for city boundaries. On the one hand, fidelity to the Dutch liberal traditions, with another — Belgians will not break a city order.

Monday 23 November 2009

Tobacco dependence

Tobacco dependence is the most common disease in the world. The attitude of society towards smoking tobacco is a contradiction. Tobacco smoking was seen as a problem when they were found negative effects of its impact on human health. Background of smoking is increasing due to incomplete knowledge patobiologicheskoy basis of tobacco dependence and lack of professional knowledge and skills of medical assistance to persons wishing to stop smoking tobacco. Experts estimate that only 5% of people smoking tobacco, can independently stop smoking, 80% of people want to stop smoking, but they need special medical care. Lack of awareness of society in a given scientific problem has led to the concept of smoking (and in fact - for tobacco dependence) as a harmful habit, in which guilt was declared himself sick because he does not want to quit smoking. Modern medical science has classified tobacco dependence as a clinical disease requiring treatment by professional medical specialists.
Experts characterize tobacco addiction as a complex and heterogeneous structure of clinical pathology. Its roots on one side go to the constitutional premorbid features of mental activity of the brain, and the other lesser known areas of biochemical mechanisms underlying the disorders of desire. Phenomenologically tobacco dependence is characterized by loss of control in the field of thinking, "I" on the origin and termination of memories and perceptions, desires, re tobacco smoking with the simultaneous development of clinical syndrome, craving to smoke tobacco, withdrawal symptoms, remissions and relapses.
Tobacco dependence on the class V of ICD-10, adapted for use in Russia, is included in the section [F10-F19] "Mental and behavioral disorders related to (caused) the use of psychoactive substances" in heading (F1h.2) "dependency syndrome", in category (F17.3h) "Withdrawal of tobacco, and (F17.0h)" acute intoxication caused by tobacco use (acute nicotine intoxication). Tobacco does not refer to the "list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors subject to control in the RF (Lists I, II, III)", and the absence of clinically Tobacco psychoorganic deficits symptoms and personality changes caused by tobacco use, defines a special place Tobacco among disorders instincts.
Tobacco dependence is diagnosed at up to 90% in those who smoke tobacco daily.

Thursday 29 October 2009

In FDA, the Indonesian Smoke It is close, but not cigars

Sometimes a cigar it simply cigar - if only behind products and medicines of administration and the congress committee I think, it can be a cigarette.

The cigar (or cigarettes) in a question is called kretek. Kreteks cigarettes that a tobacco and carnation mix. Billions smoked in Indonesia, wreathing this country in шипованных aroma of oranges. Several weeks ago, though, cigarette carnations have been forbidden in the USA on the ground that their aroma represents receipts from children.

It was the first certificate FDA under the law giving to it of powers of police tobacco. But as soon as carnations a cigarette the decree left, California kretek the importer have brought a new line of a carnation of a cigar.

Djarum marks of cigars the form and the size of cigarettes. They have filters. Their wrappers containing tobacco, but can descend for a brown paper. Exaggerated advertising on promise packing "smoking by experience you have got used to expect".

Has begun the Wind of it, FDA has reminded the public that the interdiction extends on everything that corresponds to a profile of cigarettes even if it is designated as "cigar". And in committee of the House of Representatives on power and trade declared investigation on purpose to find out, whether really "the flavoured cigars differ the flavoured cigarettes.

At once, Kretek International Inc, has closely taken place the importer in Moorpark, California, has brought an action on FDA, having accused him in "obviously obfuscating" "Definition a cigarette".

"If the product is a cigar, it not cigarettes and on the contrary", speaks to its complaint. "Kretek asserts that Djarum cigar cigars".

The company has asked district court of the USA in Washington for declarative cigars-and-and-cigars the decision. Comments FDA of falling and till now not an answer file. Without a legal management, in the meantime, whether carnations of America conscious should judge now for themselves Djarum new cigars, at heart hide an ego.

On the Indonesian restaurant he owns here, in Alexandria, one has passed Sonni Setiantoko near by. "It is a smell!" He has told.

On a still night on Monday, it sat on back to the table after sharp meal from сатай and coconut fig. Was born in Java, he smoked the first kretek aged till 14 years. Having come to the USA in 1994, on 24, it was switched on camels soon to give up smoking. Now it has shined Djarum "Splash".

"Listen, what a crash?" Mr. Setiantoko has told. "That is why we name them kretek. It is a sound". It was tightened also inhalation. "It is really original, he has told. Forces me to think of my childhood, there will be a fishing. I feel that I not in America. Crazy, yes? Mr. Setiantoko have studied object between fingers and has told:" It is a cigar?

Carnations to dry kidneys on trees in Molucccas, once named Spice islands, in east part of Indonesia. Columbus was after a carnation when it has faced America and has received some tobacco to people whom he has met there. Have united Nobody two to the Javanese person of hire of a carnation of cigarettes in 1880th years, hoping that it will facilitate its asthma.

It has not made, but the mix became a hit in any case. After a century, Indonesia of millions kretek smokers. About 30 years ago, the industry has started to export. In the USA, kreteks has approached with big gloomy teenagers. Sales have grown on the past $100 million, approximately in a tandem with a nose rings and to paint hair black.

As tobacco the bill through the Congress, early projects are not mentioned a carnation. But in 2006 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Have revealed some new brands - "Winter a Mocha-mint", "Kauai Koljada" is has looked on clear for children. Outrage have followed also Reynolds has removed them. The interdiction for taste, from солодки for grapes, remained finally.

Carnations has got to this list too. With Reynolds from game, they were unique big taste left - except for 90 billion menthol Americans to buy cigarettes in a year. But menthol an interdiction of the Congress of assistants and tobacco active workers say that huge crisis бутлегерство now would be lighted. Such law releases menthol. It coldly Turkey independently leaves carnations before heads kretek.

Them 1,2 million persons is, by calculation Kretek International an average five smoke in a week. It makes less the tenth part of 1 % from consumption of cigarettes of the USA. For high schoolboys, kreteks one of those "Short-term whims which it is not caught yet on from the basic American youth" according to 2006 University of Minnesota inspection which is traced 40 % falling in 12-smokers the Estimation of a carnation since 2001.

Along with Indonesian emigrants and Americans, trips abroad, kretek the market are expanded at the expense of ageing of a body of shells and sometimes the neophyte, as Konni Fej Richardson.

Richardson's Mrs. which lives in Grandbury, the State of Texas, has sent Kretek to the International painfully e-mail on the eve of an interdiction: "I have bought everything that they in shop today", she writes. To call, she did not want, that her name in the press. "My mum will have Fit about me to smoke, she has told." It more mums, but it Stern ".

Then the Mrs. Richardson has told: "I 61 years, therefore I can choose to tell to mum or not - and I want carnations so badly, I cannot!"

She has started to smoke five years ago - Virginia Slims. The niece has told to it about carnations, and it is included. Now its hiding place was almost has left. "Last night", has told the Mrs. Richardson: "I half-smoked, and I have put it. At me just half. What will I do?" Told cigars Kretek, she has told: "But a cigar not cigarettes, correctly?

Probably, but what?

You can Roll Your Own. There много's consultation carnations-krupjanoj on the Internet already, one blogger expects self-made kreteks to be "a last word in fashion among hippie". You can directly buy from Indonesia: the recent decision the Internet has arrived operatively if illegally, have defined for customs quality "brochure". Or you could wait, that Indonesia of a file - and to win - threatened the complaint in the World Trade Organization, asserting that the USA carnations discrimination in favour of menthol.

In view of a choice, noncigarette Kretek International can be the best choice. The company confirms, it can prove that its cigar of a cigar: the cover гомогенизированный sheet, tobacco of air drying, and a ready product is delivered in boxes on 12, instead of 20. Though the judge brings an attention to the question on the basis of the analysis of America of a carnation admirers will be with bated breath.

Мэтт Ideas on a roof of the house in Washington a deck not so long ago to thumb through to open new pack Djarums. It makes 24, has spent summer in Java, both work in the United States and Indonesia societies. It was the decline. In a mosque in the street, the appeal to a prayer, was sounding.

"It is the moment to have kretek, he has told, lighting." Tam's a crash. And this smell! "It sat on a folding chair and has let out a smoke loop." I have returned to Indonesia ", Mr. Eden has told." It is fine replacement behind a cigarette. I really hope that it is a cigar.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

European Commission proposes to extend financing of anti tobacco informational campaigns

The European Commission has proposed to increase funding for Tobacco Fund for 2 years more. Information campaign on the hazardous effects of smoking cigarettes is carried out on the cost of the Tobacco Fund. How EuroNews reports, the tobacco fund was established in 2004. Each year 5% of grants allocated for its development. These grants are appointed Brussels tobacco producers in one EU farm policy.

By 2010, this subsidy will be terminated. Financing of the fund was scheduled just before the end of 2007. If the European Commission's proposal was met with approval, the Fund will be granted funding by the end of 2009, the annual budget of anti tobacco informational campaigns European Union will come to 17 million. Euro.

Thus, the European Commission will now scale attack on smoking. In the middle of last year, was introduced in the EU total ban on cigarettes and tobacco advertising. Advertising of cigarettes is prohibited in the press, on radio and television. Some EU countries imposed a ban on smoking in public places. Apart from smoking bans, the EU does not renounce the beliefs and methods.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

The fight against smoking by force

The fight against smoking in public places has now become a matter of almost every policeman. Now to fix the violations and the minutes have the right and precinct, and the traffic police personnel and patrol. Presidential campaign for the nation's health has begun.

Victoria Belozertseva, press officer Obolonky RU GU MVD in Kiev, clarified that the statutory penalties for smoking in the wrong places existed since 2005. However, in the previous law did not specify the locations where smoking is prohibited, and no prescribed mechanisms to punish violators. After clarifying these ambiguities parliamentary law enforcement agencies have begun active work in this direction.

According to Arcadia Zaporozhtseva, deputy chief of the Department of Public Safety, chief of district inspectors of Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry has sent instructions to allow the district and patrol the minutes of violations. With regard to the amounts of fines, from the 11/07/2009, the smoking in prohibited place will cost from 51 to 170 UAH., If repeated violations - from 170 to 340 UAH. Penalty for smoking in public transport is from 85 to 340 UAH.

Active struggle against smoking was launched three years ago in Donetsk. City authorities reported 23 areas where smoking is banned and alcohol. Since then, the number of violations decreased significantly, and smokers are increasingly bound by the rules. Most of the violations recorded by the visitors, who are not sufficiently familiar with the rules.

The fight against smoking has intensified in other regions of Ukraine. Thus, in the Sumy region over the last 6 months were issued more than one thousand five hundred protocols, and the amount of fines was about 5 thousand UAH. In the Poltava region recorded 700 violations. Representatives of law enforcement officials indicate that smokers are often not aware that violate the law. Sometimes it causes aggressive reaction on their part, many require clarification on the places where smoking is allowed.

Under the new rules, penalties will be imposed not only on offenders, smoking in public places, but also to owners of public catering facilities, which allows such. By law, at least half the area of a cafe, restaurant or bar must be designed for non-smokers and free from tobacco smoke. If you can not organize a separate room, smoking is prohibited in the facility. However, to date there has been no payment of fines in the amount of 1 to 10 ths. catering establishments. But citizens can feel the effect of new rules on themselves. So, who lives in Poltava Valery Datsenko in one night managed to get just two fines for smoking in the wrong places.

Valery Datsenko upset that he had to pay 150 hryvnia. According to him, for the entire 15-year experience of smoking it this never happened. Moreover, police officers themselves often smoke near the entrance to the police department. Valery was arrested for smoking in the park, and then - for smoking on the station platform.

He admitted that the fines are unlikely to make it adhere to the law, unless carefully inspected by the parties before a cigarette. Valery believes that people just do not know, the places where smoking is prohibited and where smoking can be.

As usual, the fight against smoking has affected traders selling cigarettes by the piece. For violation they will have to lay out 510 UAH. Typically, they manage to escape before the police raids, but some still come across.

Strict prohibitions relating to smoking in vestibules trains. Employees of the transport police make frequent rounds to find violators. Many passengers think that some time be patient and not smoking, and if to be a long road, then you can smoke in the toilet, where it's hard to fix the fault.

The fight against smoking in the near future will affect the drivers. Traffic policemen rightly believe that smoking while driving, like talking on the phone, helps dispel the attention of the driver and can cause an accident. Monitoring compliance with the rules already begun Mariupol GAI. Fixing the first violation, the inspector makes the driver a warning.

Friday 21 August 2009

Anti-smoking ads are reasonable increase of smoking among adolescents

Tobacco-industry funded anti-smoking ads aimed at teenagers smoking actually caused teens to smoke more, says a new report by Australian researchers published in the American Journal of Health.

Phillip Morris "Talk: They'll listen to" advertising campaign - designed to get parents verbally dissuade their children from smoking up - as a result of high-schoolers a desire to smoke more. The study authors argue that the ads were actually designed to encourage adolescents to smoke, since most teenagers reject their parents advice.

In "Talk: They'll listen to" campaign "is not because his message was just the fact that parents should talk to their children about smoking, but not for the fact that children should not smoke, according to the authors of the study. The researchers concluded, that "there is no reason not limited to being a teenager, it is suggested why young people should not smoke."

In accordance with the development of psychologists, adolescents from 15 to 17 years, as a rule, reject the reputable communications, because they believe that they are independent, which makes Philip Morris' advertising campaign, basically useless, the researchers said.

The study authors believe that the big tobacco anti-smoking ads actually became a new way to get young people addicted to cigarettes. For example, many Big Tobacco ad then "light" cigarettes - which contain lower levels of nicotine and tar - as a means for smokers to move from full strength cigarettes, and not to quit the habit entirely.

However, recent studies showed "light" cigarettes will be just as dangerous as regular brands, while 37 percent of smokers switched to "light" because they believed they were less harmful.

According to a 2003 study from the Cancer Council of Victoria in Australia, the only anti-smoking ads that really work for teenagers show schedules, mountain health consequences of smoking. Adolescents showed a picture of the smoker sochilas artery, or blood clot in the brain smoker were less attracted to smoking, the researchers found.